When you decide to start investing so that you have a more promising future then there are some steps that you need to take before you start.
1. Start researching on the different types of investments.
-There are many different kinds like Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, and Savings. There are many more available and that is something to research and see which is best for you.
- There are many books and blogs to read to get comfortable.
2. Make sure that your personal finances are good.
- You do not want a lot of debt so paying off credit cards and car payments so that you can invest more money.
- You need control of this so that you don't have to try to sell your assets so that you can pay bills. Stay off the credit cards.
3. Start a plan. Sit down and be realistic. Look one year, 5 year, 10 year down the road and think about where you want to be.
-Making millions in five years is not exactly realistic, so be reasonable.
- Look at your finances and see what can be put away in a savings account so that it can be invested in time.
- The way that some start is to put 10% from their paycheck into a bank account and then when it hits a set amount ie.$1000 then you buy a stock. You can mess with these numbers and make them fit your needs.
With these steps you can start making money. The number one fear that I see with investing is that people are afraid of losing their money. While there are no guarantees in keeping your money, you can use some time researching to find good companies that you are safer in. Just do it! If you start slow you will become more comfortable in the markets. Always invest with your head and not your heart.
I will continue to write on other ways to start making money.
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