Monday, July 25, 2011

looking in the future

I will start by saying that i am trying to become self-employed and be a real estate investor. to start i am using other vehicles like the stock market. i will be using the buy and hold for the next six years until i can pay cash for my first rental property. i believe in high yielding stocks that will produce both capital gain as well as the dividend. being able to put away almost half of my checks i will obtain $70,000-$80,000 in six years when i will be 30 years old. i am not to interested in the big cars and houses yet because i don't have enough time to enjoy them and or need them. this will also allow me to provide for my family and live the life that i want. i am not about self gratification and believe that if i wait it will be a better life.  thank you for reading.

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