Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Act Rich or Be Rich

So you want to be rich? The question is, how far will you go to become financially free? One of the rules that I have tried to follow even though it is the hardest is only buying needs instead of always buying wants. To start I look at all the big expenses, like the house and cars. Of course everyone wants the biggest house and the big cars. When on a strict budget and plan you need to know when the right time to buy these wants. At the beginning you need to focus on the needs and invest and save as much as possible. If you want to be be able to quit working or retire at a ripe age, you need to understand the small rules. As you build your portfolio of assets then you can start to make goals so that you can buy the bigger items. It takes time, but be strong and stick to your guns. By not paying the extra $600 a month on a mortgage and the extra $500 a month on the car loan, you can have a net worth of $66,000 and that is without any intrest incurred on your investment. Now look at any part of your life and see what can be cut out and be saved. If your goal is $100,000 in a liquid type account you may just need to not have the expensive cars and house, quit smoking, and cut down on the alcohol. It would be possible to do this in as little as 5 years. Then you can start to save more money for the house and stuff. Remember people act rich and most are broke. It is better to have money and not stuff. Knowing my family is well off is more important than driving that Mercedes today. One day, just not today. So next time you go to buy a want, ask yourself if you need it or want it. If it is a want, don't buy it and start putting all the money in a savings account and see how the money grows. Until next week, have a wonderful week and continue your financial education.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 2 Junkies Junk Hauling

Week 2 of Junkies Junk Hauling  Updates

We have been going extremely hard with advertising and trying to get more clients and more deals. For this week up to Thanksgiving we decided to do a 10% discount on all loads. I have been able to interact with some people and get more ideas going with ways to cut costs and move the savings to the customers. We really believe in helping our local small business and economy. Please go out and help support your local business this weekend. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Junkies Junk Hauling

We are doing good and we have been able to upgrade our truck and we are working on a new trailer. I am trying to get to the point were we are able to hire an employee and keep moving forward. The business is growing and I feel like the service has helped the community. Advertising has increased and so far, we have put out flyers and cards. A website will be built the first of the year and will help expand business. We are working in the Phoenix Arizona area and starting price is $80 a load. Please visit and like our webpage. A big shout out to all the people who are helping and have helped build this.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Junkies Junk Hauling

Is going good, we are now in a couple small contracts with general contractors and handy men services. We have been going good for over a year and are seeing a profit. The business will continue to build then hopefully one day will ba sold. I love running this and we are starting at $80 a load in Phoenix az.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Have you heard the excuse "not enough time " or have you even used this yourself?  We all have time, so maybe you start to create time. Do you realize that even if you only put in additional 30 minutes of work each day that in one year you will have gained 182 hours for the year! That's right!  So instead of complaining or making excuses on why you haven't done things for yourself, start acting. In 30 minutes you can put out advertisements for your small business, researched for the next buy, or even allow you to read that book that you have been wanting to read. Try it out for a couple of weeks and see if this works for you. Wake up early and see how you feel, then try 45 minutes.  You will be amazed at what you can get done in that short amount of time.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Living life

You only live once, so when prime opportunities arise take control and do them. I tried living under the radar and save and invest as much money as possible, so that later on I would be well off. I found that life can become bland and boring. My girl started to get me to go out and I finally realized that life needs to be used, going out never hurts and it can make many people more happy in life. So while on your quest to be financially free, never forget to hope the ones you love close and see that they are the reason you are doing what your doing. Spend more family nights out rather then pouring over the next big investment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Small goals matter

The only way to reach the bigger goals that you want to achieve is to break it down into smaller goals so that you can experience that satisfaction of accomplishment. When you break down goals it allows you to focus that much more intently on the main goal. What happens is, you are able to focus so much the sub -goal that when you reach the main goal, it will be that much more meaningful and important. Start small and one day you will have what you always wanted.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Trying to stop working for someone else!

When working for someone else, you have to jump when they tell you and you have to be somewhere at a certain time. Most people need this for the since of security but what most are failing to see is that in the end they have no security.  When working for someone else they can lay you off without notice, working for yourself you are able to have security in controlling your cash flow as well as your work. On your own is a huge to step to take but if done correctly it will be worth it. As I have found it is not always glamorous, sometimes it doesn't feel worth it. Trying to quit your day job is a big step, but a step that you may like. Besides more money and better hours you are also able to have more family time which is one of the big reasons why I am making this vary decision. Go big or go home!